Hong Kong Plucked String Chinese Orchestra




                                         About HKPSCO  關於香港彈撥中樂團

香港彈撥中樂團 編制以中國彈撥器樂為主,配以吹管和敲擊,承傳了中國唐代宮廷彈撥樂編制的基礎,以一嶄新的中樂團形式出現,故名為彈撥中樂團;也是目前香港唯一的『彈撥中樂團』。


      樂團致力舉辦大型音樂會,並與國內外作曲家、演奏家和演藝團體合作。2001年舉辦《遨漫神州》音樂會,2006年《絲韻重牽半生緣》音樂會,逾百名琶琶及古箏樂手同台獻技;同年,與香港中樂團及春天親子劇團合作《國際綜藝合家歡 – 彈撥開懷篇》音樂會。2012年香港中樂發展基金會主辦、香港彈撥中樂團協辦《絃談─港台音樂對話》音樂會,與台灣九歌民族管絃樂團合作演出。2014年應台灣桃園縣政府邀請,參與桃園國樂節,並再次與九歌民族管絃樂團演出。2015年舉辦《彈戈》音樂會,打破彈撥樂合奏一向給人瑰麗而莊嚴的感覺,演繹狂野奔放、熱情澎湃的「探戈」音樂,實踐跨國度、跨地域音樂文化上的交流和共融,大獲好評。2015年獲日本鹿兒島市政府邀請,參與「2015 亞洲青年藝術節」,進行演出及文化交流,獲得海外人士肯定。2017年舉辦《絃緣雅聚》系列音樂會,亦是首個於一級歷史建築藝穗會演出的中樂團體,聯同各香港青年演奏家舉行三場專場音樂會,以獨奏和重奏形式將彈撥樂千變萬化的表現力呈現於觀眾,反應熱烈。




Hong Kong Plucked String Chinese Orchestra was formerly Melos Chinese Orchestra, which was first established in 1998. It was registered as a non-profit-making organization in 1999. In 2005, when Ms Chan Man-Chong joined the Orchestra as Director and Resident Conductor, it changed to the present name.  

The hundred-strong orchestra is made up of young Chinese music aficionados who are students, undergraduates and alumni of the Department of Music of the Hong Kong Academy for Performing Arts, the Chinese University of Hong Kong, theUniversity of Hong Kong and the Hong Kong Baptist University. Their mission is to promote and develop the rich and unique legacy of Chinese plucked string music.

Since its establishment, the orchestra has been playing an active part in various kinds of community activities, including community concerts, lunch-time concerts held at the various town halls of the territory, and interactive music exchange activities with young students coming from primary and secondary schools. The most representative activity was the Artist-in-Residence Scheme for Schools. In 1999, initiated by the Hong Kong Arts Development Council, the orchestra joined hands with the Miu Fat Buddhist Monastery Madam Lau KamLung Secondary School in implementing the Scheme at school. The interesting programme was targeted at enhancing interest and knowledge of Chinese music for the young, and included courses for instrumental music, music workshops, talks on Chinese music, Buddhist music forum and etc.

The orchestra has given many concerts over the years, including its inaugural concert entitled "Grand Tour of the Materland" in 2001. The programme featured plucked string of the various regions and ethnic groups in China. In 2005, the orchestra joined hands with the Melos Music Education Centre in organizing a young musician training programme with the purpose of grooming musicians of the future by inculcating interest in Chinese music among youths.

In April 2006, the orchestra presented a concert entitled Lifelong Passion Rekindled, and the programme featured Ms. Chan Man-Chong on the pipa and Ms. Choi Ngar-si on the Zheng, with the backup of pipa, wing and percussion ensemble music performed by one hundred players, and a zheng concerto with eighty players. The concert showcased the versatility and adaptability of plucked string music in ensemble and concerto formats. In August 2006, the orchestra participated in the International Arts Carnival - Pluckety Pluck (Chinese Plucked String Music) concert jointly with the Hong Kong Chinese Orchestra and Spring-Time Parenthood Theatre. The concert is mainly aimed at promoting Chinese music culture and enghancing interest of Chinee music for public through Chinese plucked string performance, dramas and interacted games.













Contact Us  



1/F, Block D-F,

108-118 Prince Edward Road, Kowloon, Hong Kong





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Hong Kong Plucked String Chinese Orchestra



